30 enero, 2006

so moving on

i start this post and the music in my earphones fades. not the best time to write, i know. homework due tomorrow, they'll probably be kicking me out of the lab before i'm done. yet i step out to the day, to find the wind against my face bringing flakes of white into my eyes and nose. body aches from the move, still a buzz in my ears, late for a lunch with tim... a smile embraces all of my being, new doors open... it's done... turned out quite differently than anything i could have ever thought, just like it started. this time i had to rent a truck, though... all in one warped day that looped into itself continuosly... started packing at mid-morning, started loading at mid-afternoon, made the move somewhere after the evening was long gone... then after a munch at the golden thai till about 10:00pm, i had just enough energy to collapse on the floor of my new and thouroughly clean room. with a trace of ammonia in the air and a white candle lit wavering next to me, the hardwood floor was the most comfortable place in the world. wondered where the moon was and how it was playing in me, then, delusionally realized i hadn't seen her -or the sun, for that matter- in a long time, a shield of clouds... mentally i understood that i would be more comfortable by at least unzipping The Motorist, and taking the scarf off to curl it up into some sort of pillow behind my head. didn't even have to try; it proved more comfortable just not to move at all. cuddled up between the hangovers of a migraine, cold feet, passing cars, relief, and distant sounds of water, i stayed there motionless for about an hour. the harps of the elves started soothing me from my own thoughts, their eyes dancing in the shadows, their hands caressing me and working on my bodies: hush hush little boy, this is nothing... this will pass... worry not, it's all done... a smile on my face, a seed of happiness starting to find it's way to the soil... then the angel who inhabits the body of my new roommate gently knocked on my door... time to work again. eyes open yet senses closed, i sat in meditation for a drop of eternity to then find myself on my feet and driving a u-haul truck to the jewel-osco to park it in reverse right against a tree, we had no other way to lock the stuff that was inside. carried 2 space heaters, milk and cinnamon to wait in line... then in the winter of a winter night i see myself hauling shit up three flights of stairs to a house as black as my insides, black out, unbalanced electrical load... through the laundry room and lint and cobwebs i arrive in the storage room where the readers are.. fetter with the circuit breakers and yes it pays to come from a family of engineers.. trial and error for about an hour until neighbor lets out one of his lovers, lends a hand and some extension cords and the mystery is solved. then to drive the truck back to the station, perform the telepathic parallel parking of a vehicle whose dimensions i had not yet fully understood, then to walk back. 3:00am red line train caught just in time to transfer to the (last) 3:27am blue line train heading to my new home, right next door to my first home in this multicult pop center of the winds. did it all really happen? still a smile on my face, as the night fades away and the real cold starts to kick in. as always, everything works out... best unexpected roommate pops up at the right time, tennants from a cheap, strategically centered appartment get evicted, get a feng shui manual to get the works going in the new apt, cool deal for the truck rental, best unexpected weather for a move in midwinter... tests are hard, but never hard enough to make you really fail...

3 comentarios:

martianegg dijo...

i read this and for a moment, i look away from my path, put my head next to yours and see what lies ahead...

it really is amazing how everything turns out, not ok, but perfect...

ride the wave, smile and enjoy.

Anónimo dijo...

Hey look at it this way, at least you're right next to that sweeeet potbelly's :P. love ya bro

۞ D dijo...


that's true, thanx for the comments..