03 octubre, 2006

Tirándole Piedras a las Nubes

So. Part of my difficulties with communication in the classroom have to do with academia. When I speak in it, the awkwardness comes from my question being posed from outside it, or from its very edges. There is a certain violence in my questions, then. And I start it. Academia fights back and reminds me: “hey, YOU CHOOSE to be here.. this is the way things are…”

So, can’t I choose that… and choose to be me? Can’t I also choose change? To change you?

If I do, what happens?





Just be present. Know the rules. Play by them. Then change.


3 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

si, es necesario aprenderse las reglas, saber manejarlas, para poder saltarlas. se necesita conocer al enemigo (aunque en este caso no lo sea), saber como y por que funciona, para poder derrotarlo (o moldearlo, que quizas te guste mas). esto no tiene porque llevar a la mediocridad o al conformismo, siempre y cuando no te pierdas en el camino.

Anónimo dijo...

then again...it sucks in the meantime...

Anónimo dijo...

... so very much ...