22 noviembre, 2005

Sábado 5 de Noviembre 2005
10 y pico
Everything in its right place. So we can look at it. so that our visitors and people that come and go can look at it too. everything in its right place. the right place doesn’t always coincide with what we have to do. the people that come and go won’t necessarily use this correct placing of things, it is more an aesthetic thing. so that they can see that I put everything in its right, beautiful place. So that things match. so that it is all in some sort of nice, unusable order. isomorphism in the space around us. Everything in its right place as an expression of individuality and good taste. It is agreed, somewhere outside of me, what the right placing of things is. Because, somehow, my placing of things is subject to other’s criticism. And other people’s placing of things is subject to my criticism too. So somehow these things cancel themselves out: profit to market. And I want to be recognized by my good taste and my good placing of things. isomorphism in our thought patterns. Good taste and good placing of things is also decided elswhere:
ride the mode,
set the trend,
follow quickly
lag behind ,
make your own (illusion),
stay outside be criticized.
My Space, the way I want it. I pay for it, it’s mine. I buy things to put in the space I pay for because it can’t be empty. I buy things I’ll never use. I take care of these things and keep them clean. I have to keep it all a certain way to be happy. I have to keep it a certain way so that you’re happy too, or at least, so that I can imagine you’re happy. because something out of its place will upset the whole world. and there is really no logic or utility behind the placing of things, so we move them around to find better places and they move us out of our places to look for more, out of our moods when they are not in the right place. thank you oh master of space and the placing of things for letting me bring one of the 6, empty chairs of our dining table to my computer so that I can write this crap.


3 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

me siento muy identificada con esto... todo el proceso de mudarme, de vivir sola. todas las cosas que no NECESITO, que se supone que tenga, porque si, para que esten ahi, bonitas. uff... nada... que me siento identificada. sigue escribiendo!

۞ D dijo...

hey! hola anonymous, gracias por tus comentarios... creo que dentro de poco mi blog se va a volver a mudar para tu inbox, jejejeje... asi te ahorro tener que venir aqui para leer...

Anónimo dijo...

Tu crees? bueno... a mi me gusta tu blog. Y se que hay mas gente que lo lee. De todos modos mi inbox le da la bienvenida a tus mensajes. Abrazos.